Code of Conduct
Hamblen County Department of Education
Code of Conduct for Families, Volunteers, and Visitors
Statement of Purpose
The participation of families (parents, guardians and caregivers), volunteers and visitors in the learning process and education community is directly correlated to the level of academic success a student will attain. This Code of Conduct is intended to build bridges in an effort to welcome persons onto our campuses and into our facilities and activities. Without meaningful parent/guardian and school partnerships, efforts in isolation to increase student achievement will struggle.
This Code of Conduct applies to all families, volunteers and visitors who interact with schools, school transportation, and offices in the Hamblen County school district. It also applies to those who are present at school, in person or virtually, and at school-sponsored activities, meetings, and/or functions during and after regular school hours.
In order to create a climate and culture of support for all students, there is an expectation all stakeholders will work together to educate all students so they can achieve their post-secondary and career goals.
The overarching expectation is that we will work together to address issues related to concerns, programs and services before they become a source of conflict. Any interaction between school personnel and families, volunteers and visitors should start with assuming good intentions in others. We also should all make a sincere effort to appreciate each other’s perspective as we work together to support our students.
In order to maintain an orderly, respectful and secure educational environment for students and staff, it is essential that families and visitors are aware of their responsibilities and understand that adherence to these guidelines is essential for each school and office. Penalties for lack of adherence to this Code of Conduct shall be enforceable by District personnel, the board of education and local law enforcement officers if necessary.
Public conduct on school property
Schools are a place of work and learning. All persons on school property or attending a school function shall conduct themselves in a respectful and orderly manner. The building principal or their designee is responsible for all persons in the building and on the grounds. Anyone who is not a regular staff member or student of the school is considered a “visitor.” All visitors are required to abide by the rules for public conduct on school property established by procedures, state law, and school board policy.
Persons authorized to be on school grounds and/or school transportation include students of that school, school staff, or parents/guardians of students and other persons with lawful and valid business.
All visitors entering Hamblen County schools shall provide a copy of a government-issued identification, which includes the visitor’s name, date of birth and photo, to the school office to be recorded. Individuals who do not provide required identification will not be permitted on premises. Principals may, in his/her sole discretion, make exceptions for children or others who might reasonably be expected not to have such required identification if other, reliable sources of identification are available and provided.
Visitors may be escorted and/or accompanied by a school employee throughout their visit. Visitors are required to wear a badge or nametag indicating that they are a visitor throughout their visit.
Conduct Prohibited on school property
Parents, Guardians, Community Members, and any other visitors to school property, while on school property and/or during school programs/activities MUST NOT:
- Act in a threatening manner toward another or others;
- Injure any other person or threaten to do so;
- Damage school property or the personal property of another or others;
- Disrupt classes, school programs or other school activities in any way;
- Communicate with another or others in an abusive, harassing, or threatening manner;
- Audio or Video record or photograph where there is an expectation of privacy (i.e. classroom instruction, locker rooms, restrooms, etc.);
- Disrupt school transportation or confront transportation staff on a bus/vehicle, a road, a neighborhood, etc.;
- Distribute or wear materials which are vulgar, obscene, advocate illegal action, promote drugs, or are disruptive;
- Harass or discriminate against another or others based on protected class status (e.g. race, color, religion, etc.);
- Enter school property or certain areas of school property when otherwise restricted from entering the same;
- Fail to promptly leave school property upon being directed to do so by school administration or law enforcement;
- Possess, consume, sell, distribute or exchange alcoholic beverages, tobacco, vaping products, or illegal drugs, or be under the influence
- Possess or use firearms or dangerous weapons except in the case of law enforcement officers;
- Gamble on school property or at school functions;
- Violate any federal or state statute, local ordinance, or Board policy
Consequences for Violating the Code of Conduct (verify)
Principals or their designees and school security have the authority to enforce the Code of Conduct for Parents, Guardians, Community Members, and Volunteers and Visitors, as well as all district policies and procedures, and are authorized to determine the appropriate offense level and actions.
Depending upon the severity of the incident, parents/guardians or visitors may be ejected from, or otherwise banned from campus(es) and participation in school-sponsored activities. In situations involving lesser infractions or where remediation is viable, a verbal warning will be provided. Should a parent/guardian or visitor fail to heed the direction issued in the verbal warning, a ban or other restrictions designed to deter the conduct will follow. No restriction will prevent the parent/guardian from working collaboratively with the school to meet the child’s educational needs, nor will a parent/guardian be excluded from meetings regarding their student’s education.
At the termination of a formal ban from school premises, a meeting with the principal is required before privileges are restored.
Right to Appeal
If an individual would like to appeal a banishment from school grounds or school-sponsored activities, a written request with supporting evidence must be submitted to the Director of Schools (or an appointed designee) within five (5) calendar days of the imposition of the consequence. Contact information for school staff can be located on the school’s official website. Upon receipt of a request to appeal, the appointed designee has five calendar days to issue a written finding to either uphold, amend or abolish the ban as written. If the reviewing staff upholds the decision of the principal, a second level of appeal is available through the Director of Schools or the School Board.
All appeals should be requested and responded to in a timely manner.
Required Statement
This policy has been reviewed for legality and constitutionality by H. Scott Reams, a duly licensed attorney in the State of Tennessee, BPR 000436
All information located herein shall conform to Tennessee Law, the Tennessee Department of Education, the Tennessee Board of Education and local school board policies.