ESP will begin on the first full day of school each new school year. All children must be pre-registered to attend. Returning children must register for the current school year through the Parent Connect Portal at Parents will also need to pre-register for each non-school day through the SchoolCare Works program by choosing theregistration tile .
All previous balances must be paid in full before childcare services can be provided for the new school year.
Non-School Day:
Parents/Guardians that elect to use childcare services on Non-School days will need to pre-register children prior to attending. Please allow time for application processing when signing children up for this service.
ESP accepts Child Care Certificates through Families First. Please contact the DHS office at 423-585-1444.
Parents will be notified of school closures by School Messenger (a notification system that will call, email or text parents. Please make sure that your contact information is updated in the Parent Portal system by going to and logging in. Click on the School Messenger link above for instructions.)