Hamblen County Department of Education 1:1 Digital Learning


The mission of Hamblen County Department of Education is to educate students so they can be challenged to successfully compete in their chosen fields.

The Vision for Teaching and Learning in Hamblen County Schools


Hamblen Department of Education is embarking on an endeavor to enrich the learning opportunities for all students through a digital transformation of increasing technology access for all students. A device will be in the hands of all students in grades nine to twelve by 2020. Access will be increased to a ratio of  one device for every three middle school students, and one device for every four elementary students. This project will empower students to become facilitators of their own learning, rather than just consumers of information. Technology can serve as a catalyst for developing 21st Century skills, the set of skills required to succeed in the information age:



                    Learning Skills: Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, Collaborating, and Communicating


                    Literacy Skills:   Information Literacy, Media Literacy, and Technology Literacy


                    Life Skills:          Flexibility, Initiative, Social Skills, Productivity, and Leadership




In addition to the soft skills of following directions, working well with others, hard work, being honest, prompt, and fair, employers locally and nationally identify the need for students to be able to think deeply about an issue, solve problems creatively, work as a team member, communicate in various media, learn, and deal with a massive amount of new information. Through this initiative, student learning will be facilitated through student research, personalized learning to accommodate student needs, increased communication and problem-solving skills, greater student engagement and enthusiasm for learning, responsible behavior through digital citizenship, and motivation to become lifelong learners. Increasing access to technology as a tool does not diminish the vital role of the classroom teacher, but rather transforms the role from director of learning to facilitator of learning. The Hamblen County Board of Education, district personnel, school staff, and the entire community will be an integral part of the development and implementation of a high-quality and effective education experience for all students in Hamblen County Schools. This effort is supportive of the district’s mission and objectives to prepare students with college and career readiness required for successful living in the 21st Century.


Instructional Technology Goals

                     Improve the quality of learning and increase academic outcomes for ALL students.


                     Provide greater access to instructional technology, learning opportunities, and differentiated instruction by providing opportunities to                        learn beyond the classroom and the school day.


                     Develop the new set of knowledge and skills required of learners in the 21st Century.


                     Engage learners in authentic, real-world activities and projects.


                     Teach the ethical use of technology.


                     Sustain our community by providing students who are college and career-ready as lifelong learners.




It is the sincere desire of the Hamblen County Department of Education that parents will share student’s excitement about this opportunity and will learn with them as they use instructional technology to enhance their learning and achievement.

The Hamblen County Department of Education (HCDOE) retains the sole right of possession and ownership of all devices utilized in the Hamblen County Department of Education’s 1:1 Digital Learning initiative, and grants permissions to the student to use the device during the regular school year in accordance with the policies, guidelines, and procedures established in this document and the district’s Acceptable Use Policy. Failure to comply with these terms will result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to confiscation of all devices issued to the student and the revocation of access to the HCDOE technology and its network. HCDOE reserves the right to monitor and log the use of its technology and network by users and to review user files and materials as necessary.  The district retains the right to collect and inspect devices at any time, including via electronic remote access, and to add or delete installed software or hardware. HCDOE reserves the right to collect and redistribute devices as needed. The student or parent does not have ownership of the device.

All students who are enrolled as full-time high school students within Hamblen County Schools may be permitted to borrow a device when it becomes available to the student’s grade level. The anticipated timeline for deployment is that devices will be loaned to ninth graders for use in subsequent grades beginning in the 2016-2017 school year. Continued participation in the program is contingent on compliance with the Acceptable Use Policy, Hamblen County Board of Education policies, and the provisions of the program handbook. Use of the device is a privilege and not a student right.

HCDOE will lend a device to all full-time students in HCDOE in the grade(s) of distribution for 24-hour access during the regular school year upon meeting the following criteria:

                     The student and parent/guardian attend a deployment training session.

                     The student and parent complete and sign the following forms:

o           Hamblen County Schools Student User Network/Internet Access Release Form

o           Student-Parent HCDOE 1:1 Digital Learning Agreement Form

o           HCDOE 1:1 Digital Learning Student-Parent Technology Agreement

o           HCDOE 1:1 Digital Learning Student-Parent Acceptance Form

                     The $50 technology usage fee is paid or a payment schedule is established with the first payment made at the time of deployment.

Those families who complete all forms but do not elect to pay the technology usage fee will have full access to the device during the school day and will become a day-user with daily check-out and check-in requirements.

Hamblen County Department of Education (HCDOE) provides content filtering of its Internet for students in accordance with The Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA), which was enacted by Congress in 2000 to address concerns about children's access to obscene or harmful content over the Internet. Further, the act requires that school districts monitor the online activities of minors and provide education to them about appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on  social networking websites and in chat rooms, as well as cyber-bullying awareness and response. Students waive any right to privacy in anything they create, store, send, share, or receive on the HCDOE device, network, or Internet.


No filtering is 100% effective, but rather requires the efforts of parents, teachers, and responsible adults  in providing supervision. The best filtering software in the world cannot match the effective combination  of education and supervision at school and at home. A log is maintained of all sites visited. It is the responsibility of the student to use the device, the network, and Internet in a responsible manner in compliance with the Acceptable Use Policy, school and district policies, and this handbook. The HCDOE will not be responsible for any harm suffered while on the network or the Internet. Students are required  to notify an administrator or teacher if a message is received or if information is accessed that is inappropriate, dangerous, threatening, or that makes the student feel uncomfortable.


Users on the HCDOE network must not engage in activities that will consume excessive amounts of bandwidth, especially the downloading, streaming, or uploading of non-school related content. Any user violating the Acceptable Use Policy may be denied access to the device and the network. Available bandwidth will be restricted during online testing windows.

Hamblen County Department of Education retains the right to take legal action for failure to return the device or using the HCDOE device for non-school purposes without the written consent of the Director of Hamblen County Schools or his/her designee. Because HCDOE retains ownership and operates the equipment and software that comprise the district’s network, the district is obligated to take measures to ensure its property is used legally. This includes all content created, sent, accessed, or downloaded  using any part of the HCDOE network resources. HCDOE monitors its network and may investigate electronic incidents during the school hours and outside of the school day. HCDOE reserves the rights to remotely access, open, and/or delete electronic files that violate this or any other HCDOE policy.

Hamblen County Department of Education (HCDOE) account holders take full responsibility for their access to the district’s network resources and the Internet. Specifically, HCDOE makes no representations or warranties of any kind and is not responsible for any damages suffered by the user or responsibile for the following:

                     The content of any advice or information received by the account holder;

                     The costs, liability, or damages incurred as a result of access to school network resources or the Internet, including financial costs for                           unauthorized transactions conducted over the network;

                     Any consequences of service interruptions, loss of data, or delivery failures/missed deliveries, for whatever reason; and

                     Any damage or harm to persons, files, data, or hardware.

                     While the district employs CIPA compliant filtering and other safety and security mechanisms, and earnestly endeavors to ensure                               proper function, it makes no guarantee of their effectiveness.


Responsibility for Electronic Data

Students have online storage available for file storage through Microsoft Office 365. Students are encouraged to frequently and appropriately store documents and files. Any time that the device requires repair or maintenance, all data and documents stored on the device may be lost and cannot be retrieved by HCDOE IT staff.


Program Contacts Your School Help Desk Your School Principal

Joe Ely, MHHS East


ElyJ@hcboe.net 423.586.2543



Jeff Kinsler, MHHS West


 KinslerJ@hcboe.net 423.581.1600


Harold Jones

Supervisor of Instructional Technology

harold@hcboe.net 423.586.7700

Students are required to bring their devices to school each day fully charged. In addition to use in the classroom, students will access school announcements, calendars, student handbooks, courses of study, and schedules through the device. Students are responsible for bringing the device to all classes, unless specifically instructed by their teacher to not bring the device.


Students are required to take home their device each evening throughout the school year for daily charging. If the device is left at home, students must immediately call the parent or guardian to bring the device to school. Repeat violations will result in an office referral and potential disciplinary action, including a step on the assertive discipline plan.

Students will:

                     Only access the HCDOE network for educational purposes during school hours.

                     Use appropriate and respectful language with others online, as offline in the classroom.

                     Not use the network to engage in bullying, cyber-bullying, or harassment as defined by this handbook, school and district policies, and                      Tennessee Code Annotated § 49-6-1014- Tennessee Code Annotated § 49-6-1019, which may be accessed through                                                 http://www.lexisnexis.com/hottopics/tncode/

                     Observe and respect license and copyright laws.

                     Maintain the privacy of usernames, passwords, and any personal information.

                     Return the device upon request for inventory, re-imaging, and updates.


Students will not use HCDOE network resources to:

                     Copy school software.

                     Install software not authorized by the HCDOE Instructional Technology Department.

                     Access the account or data of others.

                     Access, view, download, display, transmit, create, possess, or disseminate any material that contains pornography or obscenity; is                              sexually explicit, lewd, and vulgar; or contains inappropriate language, text, sounds, or visual depictions.

                     Download, stream, or listen to Internet-based music, videos, or files not intended for schoolwork. The district will monitor for                                       violations of this provision of use.

                     Access any webpage blocked by the district’s filtering.

                     Conduct commercial business not directly related to a school assignment.

                     Alter in any manner the files that impact the configuration of the device or the network itself.


Additionally, students may not:

                     Bring their personally owned device to school. The HCDOE network is a closed network for use by HCDOE owned and

                     approved devices.                     

                     Store passwords on the device. This is for safety and security of the student assigned to the device.

                     Change assigned usernames and passwords assigned by the HCDOE IT Department. If you suspect that your username or 

                     password  has been comprised, seek immediate assistance from the Help Desk in your school.

                     Record or take images of student or staff without their permission or knowledge. This includes, but is not limited to the following: cell                      phones, cameras, laptops, webcams, tablets, or any other digital device. This applies to all facets of the school campus including but                        not limited to classrooms, common areas, buses, restrooms, locker rooms, gym, offices, and other locations.

                     Forward junk mail, spam, or chain mail.

                     IM (instant message) or chat during class time unless specifically instructed to do so by the classroom teacher in the learning

                    management system.             

                     Allow others to use your personally assigned device.

                     Troubleshoot, diagnose, or repair the assigned device. Seek assistance from the Help Desk.

                    USB ports are disabled for security reasons.  Students are provided online storage for files necessary for school work.  Teachers may also share folders to allow files transfers with the students for student work.

Individuals who use a HCDOE device are expected to abide by the principles of digital citizenship, which are supported by the HCDOE 1:1 Digital Learning initiative. This includes respecting copyright laws and citing sources. The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE®), a nonprofit organization serving educators and education leaders, defines digital citizenship through nine distinct elements:


o           Digital access: Advocating for equal digital rights and access is where digital citizenship starts.

o           Digital etiquette: Rules and policies aren’t enough; we need to teach everyone about appropriate conduct online.

o           Digital law: It’s critical that users understand it’s a crime to steal or damage another’s digital work, identity, or property.


o           Digital communication: With so many communication options available, users need to learn how to make appropriate decisions.

o           Digital literacy: We need to teach students how to learn in a digital society.

o           Digital commerce: As users make more purchases online, they must understand how to be effective consumers in a digital economy.


o           Digital rights and responsibilities: We must inform people of their basic digital rights to privacy, freedom of speech, etc.

o           Digital safety and security: Digital citizens need to know how to protect their information from outside forces that might cause harm.

o           Digital health and wellness: From physical issues, such as repetitive stress syndrome, to psychological issues, such as Internet addiction, users should understand the health risks of technology.


●   Keep your online identity secret. Do not give out any information that a predator could use to locate you. Even providing the name of your school      or a team or activity in which you are participating may be used to locate you, as does the “locator” feature in some digital pictures.

  Your username and password should never be shared. Friendships change over time.

 The Internet has a long memory. Keep your memory and reputation clean! Whether it is a photograph, a comment, or an activity, a digital

    footprint is never removed.     

  Do not illegally download music or videos, hack other’s devices or use their passwords, write rants of anger, or make threats. Written threats are      taken just as seriously as any other threat. In all cases, someone is monitoring your activities and activities online are traceable.

  The FBI gives an all-out blanket warning: “Never meet anyone in person that you meet online.” You never know who that person really is or their      intent. People tend to live in a fantasy world online and falsely portray who they are.


Accidents do happen. There is a difference, however, between an accident and negligence. After investigation by school administration and determination by the authorized repair company, if the laptop is deemed intentionally or negligently damaged by the student, the student may be subject to discipline and


the parents and guardians will be charged for the full replacement cost of a device or the repair charges for the device that has been intentionally misused or abused.

By taking possession of the HCDOE device, the student and parent agree to assume full responsibility for the safety, security, and care of the HCDOE device. In case of a complete loss, the parent or guardian agrees to pay the replacement cost for the device. In cases of loss or theft at school, the parent or guardian must report the incident to the school principal and the School Resource Officer (SRO) within 48 hours. If the loss or theft occurs away from school, the parent or guardian must report  the incident to law enforcement officials within 48 hours and provide a copy of the official report to school officials as quickly as possible. Fraudulent reports of theft will be turned over to the police for  prosecution. A student making a false report will also be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in board policy, this handbook, and law.


Accidents do happen. There is a difference, however, between an accident and negligence. After investigation by school administration and determination by the authorized repair company, if the laptop is deemed intentionally or negligently damaged by the student, the student may be subject to discipline and the parents and guardians will be charged for the full replacement cost of a device or the repair charges for the device that has been intentionally misused or abused.
The parent, guardian, or adult student will be responsible for compensating HCDOE for any losses, costs, or damages, which are not covered by the warranty. This may include the full replacement cost of the device. Students with damaged devices who fail to report the damage may be subject to additional fines and disciplinary action.

Students who are 18 years of age or older or who are legally deemed emancipated minors are  considered adult students. All legal, ethical, and financial obligations are the responsibility of an adult student.

Deployment of the district devices to eligible students will occur before the beginning of school. A schedule will be shared through the district webpage, the high school webpages, and local media. At the deployment, parents and students will attend training; receive a copy of the 1:1 Digital Learning Handbook; sign and return the district’s Acceptable Use Policy, the 1:1 Student and Parent contract, and other required forms accepting responsibility for the device; pay the technology fee for 24-hour access or become a day user; receive the device, protective bag, charger, and loaded software; and log onto the network to assure that the device is in good working order. Parents are requested to bring proof of identity, such as driver license, to the deployments. The device will be collected at the end of the year for inspection, maintenance, cleaning, and software installation.


The district will establish a schedule for the return of laptops during the school day, shortly before the end of the school year. If a student withdraws from school during the  school year, the device must be  returned at the time of withdrawal. Failure to do so may result in grades being held from release and/or the filing a report of theft to law enforcement. Parents, guardians, and adult students are financially responsible for payment in full of the cost of the device, charger, bag with straps, and attached asset tags for those items not returned. Students and parents will be assessed at the end of the year or upon withdrawal for any damage or loss of the device, the charger, and the protective bag with straps.

Hamblen County Department of Education (HCDOE) provides a device, ancillary equipment, and protective bag to qualifying students to borrow for the current school year. A $50 annual Technology Usage Fee paid by students or their parent/guardian provides a deposit for costs, damages, and repairs not caused by negligence. Families will be assessed a maximum of $100 per year for families with two or more children receiving devices. See Technology Fee Form and the Repair and Replacement Fees section located in the appendix of this handbook. The Technology Usage Fee does not cover the cost of lost or stolen devices. There is no refund of fees or prorating of fees for students who exit the district during the school year.


Payments must be made at the time of deployment of devices for 24-hour access to the  device. Preferred payments will be made online through the district’s My Payments Plus or in cash. If you are interested in a payment plan option, please see your school principal. Those families using the payment option will make the first payment at deployment. Subsequent payments will be made in cash to the school bookkeeper or online through My Payments Plus.  Students of parents who do not pay the annualTechnology Usage Fee will become daily users of the device, but they still assume responsibility for 


negligent care of the device or loss. For further information, see Parent/Guardian Requested Daily Check-out in this handbook.


Structured Payment Plan
At Deployment
September 1
October 1
November 1
December 1
$100 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10
January 1
February 1
March 1
April 1
May 1

Transfer of Ownership Offer and Terms


Currently the district offers a program that at the end of the senior year, after four years of attendance and if the $50 annual Technology Usage Fee has been paid for each year for four (4) years, the district will transfer ownership of the device to the student.  If a student withdraws early from the district before completing four(4) years in the school system, they will not be eligible for the transfer of ownership offer.  Additional payment will not be accepted for any additional years not attended or any years missed in attendance.  The district will maintain ownership of any device not meeting this requirement.


Laptop Transfer of Ownership Terms 


• Any damages/repairs needed will need to be reported to the student helpdesk by May 1, of each year in order for repairs to be made prior to the transfer of ownership.

• Graduate assumes ownership of the laptop issued by the district.  

• Graduate assumes responsibility for all maintenance and repairs related to the computer equipment issued by the district.  

• Help Desk support for the issued laptop will no longer be available after graduation/restore process 

• Graduate agrees to run the restore process when instructed by the school on the laptop issued to the student by the district before graduation.  

• Graduate acknowledges it is their personal responsibility for backing up files prior to running the restore process and the district is not responsible for any lost data.


Help Desk Support  

After graduation, you will have no access to the Technology Helpdesk. 

School Wireless Access

  • After the restore process is complete the laptop will no longer be able to connect to the school/district wireless network.


Backup Your Files  


Back up your files! Once the restore process starts, all files on the laptop will be deleted!  


Upload any files you wish to keep to your OneDrive cloud storage- webapps.hcboe.net 


Failure to upload files will make them non recoverable once the process starts. 


It is highly recommended that the graduating student setup a new user account and change the password to the local Administrator account on the computer (never forget this password). 


It is the belief of the Hamblen County Department of Education (HCDOE) that every student should be granted equal access to the resources provided by the district for learning. However, in respect of parental rights, parents or guardians who elect to waive their child’s 24/7 access to the device may do so by filing a written waiver with the school’s main office after meeting with the principal or his or her designee. The student will have full access to the device during the school day but will not be allowed to remove the device from the school building. A location will be provided for the storage of the device, as well as a system of daily checkout and check-in of the device. The decision to either waive 24/7 access  or to participate in 24/7 access can be made at any time during the school year by contacting the school principal
Students and parents will receive training on the safe, ethical, and appropriate use of technology, as well as the use and care of the device, prior to issuance of a device. The training is conducted to make students aware of safe and appropriate use of technology for the student’s protection and for the safety of others.

There is no expectation of privacy in the use of any technological device or resource of the Hamblen County Department of Education (HCDOE). This includes files or communications created, downloaded, or transmitted utilizing district resources or stored on the hard drive of a district device or district services. Administrators of the system or those designated by the director of schools may review files and content on the HCDOE device if inappropriate activity is suspected. HCDOE and its personnel will not turn on the device’s webcam for the purpose of monitoring or observing student activity.


Students will be issued a username and password for access to the device and the HCDOE network. Students must never share their username or password with another student. If this information is  shared, then the student will be accountable for all Internet and network activity that takes place as the result of another student posing as them. Any student that attempts to hack into another system or steal staff or student information will be subject to school disciplinary measures and legal actions if deemed warranted.

Student passwords and usernames are not to be shared with any person other than a parent/guardian or teacher. Students sharing their personal password are accountable for activity on the network while  using their password. Additionally, disciplinary consequences will result for students logging in  as another individual or activating unauthorized passwords to the device, system, or network.

At school, students may have access to the Internet through the HCDOE network. When not at school, students with access to home Wi-Fi or other connections may use the district device to access the Internet. It is the desire of the district to provide the same level of filtering experience on other networks as at school. Connection to the Internet on an HCDOE device is re-routed through the district server. Therefore, sites blocked at school will be blocked on other networks. HCDOE recommends that parents/guardians monitor their

                    student’s time and activities on the Internet. The district does not provide network access outside of the school day and setting.

The HCDOE network is designed to limit student access to social network sites or those sites with chat room features. Students should be aware that what one posts online becomes a permanent footprint, including photos, wikis, blogs, and video sharing sites. Consider what you would like for friends, family, and future employers to see. Safety demands that you never give personal information, such as name, address, phone number, financial information, birthdate, social security number, or where you plan to be at a certain time and place. Students should never agree to meet someone who was met on the Internet. Never misrepresent yourself as someone else. Similarly, do not share your username or passwords with other people other than parents or teachers. When communicating, use appropriate language.  No filtering system is flawless. If you find inappropriate content, messages, images, or anything else that makes one concerned for personal safety, please report the site to your teacher or parent immediately. Students who fail to abide by these guidelines are subject to losing privileges with district devices and/or access to the district network resources.

Pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated § 49-6-1014, a safe and civil environment is necessary for students to learn and achieve high academic standards. Harassment, intimidation, bullying, or cyber- bullying is conduct that disrupts a student’s ability to learn and a school’s ability to educate its students in a safe environment.


The Center for Safe and Responsible Use of the Internet in a 2007 publication defined cyber bullying as “being cruel to others by sending or posting harmful material or engaging in other forms of social aggression using the Internet or other digital technologies. It may take several forms:

                     Flaming: Online fights using electronic messages with angry and vulgar language.

                     Harassment: Repeatedly sending nasty, mean, and insulting messages.

                     Denigration: “Dissing” someone online. Sending or posting gossip or rumors about a person to damage his or her reputation

                     or friends.       

                     Impersonation: Pretending to be someone else and sending or posting material to get that  person in trouble, in danger, or to damage                        that person’s reputation or friendships.

                     Outing: Sharing someone’s secrets or embarrassing information or images online.

                     Trickery: Talking someone into revealing secrets or embarrassing information, then sharing it online.

                     Exclusion: Intentionally and cruelly excluding someone from an online group.

                     Cyberstalking: Repeated, intense harassment and denigration that includes threats or creates significant fear.

Cyber threats are either direct threats or “distressing material”—general statements that make it sound like the writer is emotionally upset and may be considering harming someone else or harming himself or herself. Do not make threats online. There are criminal laws against making threats. If you make a cyber-threat, even if you consider it a joke, it may result in disciplinary action including suspension, expulsion, or criminal prosecution.

The sound on the device must be muted at all times during the school day unless specifically granted permission from the teacher for instructional purposes. Headphones or earbuds may only be used in the classroom with permission of the teacher. The camera on the device has been disabled, but may be enabled for specific classroom projects.
Students may not loan their device or its components to other students for any reason. This includes members of the student’s family. Parents or guardians may use the device to assist their child with homework or an assignment.
HCDOE 1:1 Digital Learning helps conserve instructional resources by print preview or digital transmission of work. Due to the digital format of the HCDOE 1:1 Digital Learning initiative, the need for printing is not anticipated. Printing services are not available at the school.
The device must remain free from any writing, drawings, stickers, or other items that might damage the finish of the device. If the device is not clean when returned, a fee will be assessed to replace the device case or bezel. While students may add appropriate media to their device, personalized media are subject to inspection and must follow the Acceptable Use Policy of the HCDOE.
Users may be able to download file types, images, or videos that are available through the Internet filter. Such downloads should only be from reputable sites and for educational purposes. Streaming video or audio is strictly prohibited during the school day unless directed otherwise by a school official. Student devices are subject to monitoring and inspection.
All students are expected to abide by federal copyright laws. Copyright law is extremely broad and includes ideas, text, graphics, music, and software. It is a violation to copy, distribute, download, or upload information onto the web any item covered under theses laws. Ignorance or innocence is no excuse under the law. Copyright and Fair Use Guidelines from the U.S. Government may be accessed at http://copyright.gov/fair-use/
Any student who violates the rules and expectations relative to this handbook; HCDOE 1:1 Digital Learning Student-Parent Agreement Form, Technology Agreement Form, Acceptance Form; or Acceptable Use Policy will be subject to disciplinary action. If there is evidence that a violation has occurred, then an HCDOE administrator or designee will decide appropriate consequences in accordance with district policy, school policy, and the law. Disciplinary action could include but is not limited to, verbal warnings, loss of technology privileges, up to and including suspension or expulsion from school, and civil and/or criminal prosecution. In addition, inappropriate use of the machine may result in the user losing his/her right to use the device and/or accessories. In some cases, the administration may revoke the student’s right to take home the device, enforcing a no-take-home-policy. The school will cooperate fully with local, state, or federal officials in any investigation related to any illegal activities conducted through the school’s electronic system or devices. The interpretation, application, and modification of this policy are within the sole discretion of HCDOE. Any questions or issues regarding this policy should be directed to the building principal.

Non-Compliance with the Acceptable Use Policy, HCDOE Policies, or the HCDOE 1:1 Digital Learning Handbook may result in one or more of the following actions:


  Restricted use or loss of 1-to-1 device privileges. Possession of an HCDOE 1-to-1 device may be revoked at any time.

  Student and parent may be required to make full financial restitution for any unauthorized expenses incurred or damages caused by 

    inappropriate actions.     

  Student may face school disciplinary actions based on district and school policy violations.

  Student may face legal actions based on the severity of the actions taken.




  If you forget to bring your device to school, it is just like forgetting a textbook (same rules – student’s responsibility)

  Failure to use the device in an appropriate manner will result in consequences.

There will be content filtering and this will apply outside of school as well. If you cannot access a web site at school, then you will not                       be able to access it at home.

                     HCDOE personnel will have a program with capacity to monitor every device.

                     Devices are NOT allowed in a locker room. Leave devices in the assigned hallway locker secured by a lock.

Unprepared for Class: Devices can be charged at school in the cafeteria or gym prior to the beginning of school, during lunch in the cafeteria, or in the library. Students may charge the device with a personal external battery charger. If a student needs to charge the device during class or the student left the device in locker or another classroom, teachers may assign the following consequences during that particular class for each semester.

                     First Time–Warning and notation in teacher grade book.

                     Second Time–Warning and notation in teacher grade book.

                     Third Time–Teacher may assign a 15-minute detention. Teacher will contact parent/guardian.

                     Fourth Time–Teacher may assign a 30-minute detention. Teacher will contact parent/guardian.

                     Fifth Time–Referral made to the office. Student may be assigned a 45-minute detention.

                     Sixth Time–Referral made to the office. Student may be assigned 1 day of Alternative Learning Placement/In-School Suspension                            (ALP/ISS )and a level of the assertive discipline plan. Parent/guardian will be notified. A daily-policy may be implemented.

                     Seventh Time–Referral made to the office. Student may be assigned 2 days ALP/ISS and a level on the assertive discipline plan. A no-                       take home policy may be implemented.

                     Eighth Time–Conference with parent/guardian, student, administrator and counselor. Student may be assigned three days ALP/ISS                       and a step on the assertive discipline plan. A no-take- home-policy may be implemented.

Student does not have possession of the device at school during the day (i.e. left at home); OR Student does not have possession of the device bag, misuses it when transporting the device, and/or has the device unprotected in a bag not issued by the district:

                     First Time – Student sent to the office. Parent/guardian contact made. 15-minute detention may be assigned.

                     Second Time – Student sent to the office. Parent/guardian contact made. 30-minute detention may be assigned.

                     Third Time – Student sent to the office. 45-minute detention may be assigned.

                     Fourth Time – Student sent to the office. Student sent to ALP/ISS for the day and a level on the assertive discipline plan will be                                assigned.  Parent will be notified. A conference will be held to discuss a day-user device policy.

    Illegal use of a proxy (bypassing the filtering agent) and/or a breach of security:

  First Time – The student may be assigned ALP/ISS (one to three days) and a level on the assertive discipline plan. Parent will be notified.              Possible loss of device privileges, suspension, and/or expulsion may occur.

  Second Time – The student may be assigned ALP/ISS (one to three days) and a level on the assertive discipline plan. A conference will                to be held to discuss removal of device privileges and possible suspension and/or expulsion.

Inappropriate content on the student device will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Based on the severity of the content, the consequences may change and/or be escalated.

                    First Time – Student receives an office referral. The office may assign one day of ALP/ISS and level on the assertive discipline plan                         with parent notification and conference with counselor.

                   Second Time  Student receives an office referral. The office may assign three days of ALP/ISS, a level on the assertive                                                 discipline plan with parent conference, and conference with counselor.

                   Third Time – Student receives an office referral. The office may assign one day of OSS, a level on the assertive discipline plan,                                       parent conference, conference with counselor, and orientation for the Alternative School.

                    Fourth Time – Student receives a disciplinary referral. Student will be placed at the Alternative School or expelled.

Asset Code Tag has been removed from a piece of equipment that is not normal wear & tear. In addition to the student consequences listed below, the student will incur the cost of replacement items:


                     First Time – Referral made to the office. Student may be assigned a 45-minute detention.

                    Second Time – Referral made to the office. Student may be assigned 1 day of ALP/ISS and a level of the assertive discipline plan.                             Parent/guardian will be notified. A daily user policy may be implemented.

                    Third Time – Referral made to the office. Student may be assigned three days ALP/ISS and a level on the assertive discipline plan.                              Parent/guardian will be notified. A no-take home policy may be implemented.

                    Fourth Time  Conference with parent/guardian, student, administrator and counselor. Student may be assigned three days ALP/ISS                     and a level on the assertive discipline plan. A daily user policy may be implemented

The device itself and the issued protective device bag may at no time be permanently altered. The student will pay the cost of the damages, as this is viewed as vandalism of school property.

                  First Time – Student receives a disciplinary referral.  A 30-minute detention will be assigned.

                 Second Time – Student receives a disciplinary referral. A 45-minute detention will be assigned.

                 Third Time – Student receives a disciplinary referral. The student may be assigned one day of ALP/ISS at a level on the                                             assertive discipline plan. Parent will be notified through disciplinary referral.

                  Fourth Time  Student receives a disciplinary referral. The student may be assigned two days of ALP/ISS and a level on the assertive                       discipline plan. Parent will be notified through disciplinary referral.

                   Fifth Time – Student receives a disciplinary referral. The student may be suspended, scheduled for orientation to the alternative school,                    and/or expelled. Parent will be contacted for a conference to discuss policy and consequences.

                     First Time  Student receives a disciplinary referral. A 30-minute detention may be assigned.

                     Second Time  Student receives a disciplinary referral. A 45-minute detention may be assigned.

                     Third Time – Student receives a disciplinary referral. The student may be assigned one day of ALP/ISS and a level on the assertive                            discipline policy. Parent will be notified through disciplinary referral.

                     Fourth Time  Student receives a disciplinary referral. The student may be assigned two days of ALP/ISS and a level on the assertive                        discipline policy. Parent will be notified through discipline referral.

                    Fifth Time – Student receives a disciplinary referral. The student may be suspended, scheduled  for orientation at the                                                  alternative school, a level assigned on the assertive discipline policy, and/or expelled. Parent will be contacted for a

                    conference to discuss policies and consequences.

                     First Time  Student receives a disciplinary referral. A 30-minute detention may be assigned.

                     Second Time  Student receives a disciplinary referral. A 45-minute detention may be assigned.

                     Third Time – Student receives a disciplinary referral. The student may be assigned one day of ALP/ISS and a level on                                                    the assertive discipline policy. Parent will be notified through discipline referral.

                     Fourth Time  Student receives a disciplinary referral. The student may be assigned two day of ALP/ISS and a level on the assertive                        discipline policy. Parent will be notified through discipline referral.

                     Fifth Time  Student receives a disciplinary referral. The student can be suspended and/or expelled. Parent will be contacted for a                      conference to discuss policy and consequences.

                     First time – The student may be assigned three days of ALP/ISS and a level on the assertive discipline plan. Parent will be notified.                      Possible loss of device privileges, suspension, and/or expulsion.

                     Second time – The student may be assigned three days of OSS and a level on the assertive discipline plan. Parent will be notified.                        A conference will be held to discuss removal of device privileges. This infraction may result in orientation for alternative school                              or expulsion.

                     Student is using the device and is off task:

o           See the classroom assertive discipline plan.

o           A disciplinary referral may be issued to the student for insubordination and failure to follow school rules.

                     First Time – Student receives a disciplinary referral. A 45-minute detention may be assigned.

                     Second Time  Student receives a disciplinary referral. The student may be assigned one day of ALP/ISS and a level on the assertive                        discipline policy. Parent will be notified through discipline referral.

                     Third Time – Student receives a disciplinary referral. The student may be assigned one day of ALP/ISS and a level on the                                          assertive discipline policy. A parent conference will be scheduled to discuss the loss of privileges to the device.

                     Students who believe that they are being bullied should take a screenshot of the incident. Press the “print screen” button on the                                keyboard, “paste” into a Word document, and save.

                     Email it to a building administrator with an explanatory note.

                     Do not reply or share with other students.

                     Continue your work until the office calls you for an interview.

                     Reports can also be directly filed with an administrator.


The use of the district’s device, technology, and network is a privilege and not a right of the student. As a result, it may be denied to students who display behaviors or a pattern of behaviors that is considered to be potentially unsafe or unhealthy for the user, other students, personnel, the technology device or network itself, or the general learning environment of the school. Failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy, school and district policies, and/or this handbook may result in the loss or restricted use of the device and network. If such situations arise, an administrator will meet with the student and parent/guardian. In addition to loss of privileges, some behaviors or actions may result in further disciplinary actions that include detentions, levels on the assertive discipline plan, ISS, OSS, Alternative School orientation and/or placement, and expulsion. Civil or criminal action may also be taken. Students are responsible for notifying their teachers or administrators if they are aware of inappropriate or unauthorized use of the device on the network. Likewise, employees are to notify their supervisors if they are aware of inappropriate or unauthorized use of the device or the network.


If a student does not return the device as scheduled, criminal charges may be filed to recover the district’s property.        The district is entitled to declare the student and parent in default of the Student Parent

Contract and to visit the residence of the student or location of the device to take possession of the district’s property. Default on the payment plan will also result in the repossession of the device and the student becoming a daily user.

All technology funds are non-refundable and will not be prorated. The district accepts cash payments or payments through the online application, My Payments Plus, on the district’s webpage


It is anticipated that the vast majority of issues and repairs of the device can be managed in-house with HCDOE staff, while other repairs will require the assistance of the vendor or third party. Devices that require outside repair will be processed in the order that they are received. There are no provisions for expediting a repair. Some repairs may take up to 30 days due to warranty claims. In these cases, students will be issued a loaner, if one is available.

Do not attempt to gain access to the internal electronics or repair the device. If a device fails to work or is damaged, report the problem to the Help Desk at the school. Please do not contact the vendor of the device for repair questions. Direct these questions to the personnel at the Help Desk. Additionally, attempting to “jail break” the device will result in disciplinary action, as these actions void the warranty on the device.


Loaner devices may be issued to students while the school is repairing their devices. Only a limited number of “loaner” devices are available, so having a “loaner” is not guaranteed.


Please be aware that repaired devices will be reset to the original factory imaging as first received. If the device cannot be repaired within 5 minutes, the device will be reset to the original imaging. It is important for the student to keep the device synced to available cloud storage so that documents and class projects will not be lost. Any personal information that cannot be replaced should be kept at home on an external storage device.


Many of the needed repairs due to normal or typical use are covered by the warranty of the device. In cases of lost, stolen, or damaged devices in the care, custody, or control of a student, families may want to check with their homeowners’ or renters’ policy to determine if the policy will provide some limit of coverage for the “damage to the property of others” under the comprehensive personal liability coverage part of the policy and if it requires a deductible. Contact your insurance agent for the exact coverage provided by your policy.

By taking possession of the device, the student and parent/guardian assume full responsibility for the care, safety, security, and responsibility for the property of 
the Hamblen County Department of Education. Students must report incidents of damage to an administrator within 48 hours of the incident. The technology usage fee does not cover the repairs stemming from the following incidents:

                     Damage from loaning the device to another student, leaving the device unattended, negligence, or misuse.

                     Damage from removal of an asset tag, service tag, or serial number.

                     Damages that are cosmetic in nature but do not impact functionality of the device.

                     Damages from batteries or other consumable part, unless the damage is due to defects in material or workmanship as determined by                        HCDOE IT Supervisor.

                     Damage from modifying a part or product to impact functionality or capability of the device without the express written permission of                        the HCDOE IT Supervisor.

                     Damages caused by repairs not performed by a member of the HCDOE IT staff.

                     Damage caused by a product not deployed by HCDOE.

                     Damages resulting from a broken screen. Do not place pens, pencils or other objects on the keyboard or base of the device.

                     Damages resulting from abuse, accident, misuse, flood, fire, earthquake, lightning, power surges, natural disasters, or other external                          causes.

                     Damage caused by animals, pets, friends, or family.

                     Damages caused by food, beverages, liquids, lotions, nail polish, nail polish remover, makeup, colognes, medicines, ice cream, and

                    other causes.         

                     Damages caused by cleaning products. Do not spray or rub any liquid on the device, including the case, screen, and keyboard.

                     Damages from placing foreign objects in any of the device’s ports.

                     Damages from placing wet or damp items on the device or its keyboard.

If the Supervisor of Instructional Technology deems repairs of the device as feasible and economical, those repairs will be made. However, if the damage makes the device inoperable or the damage is likely to increase after redistribution resulting in need of repair by future users, then the parent or guardian is responsible for the cost or repair of a damaged device. Repairs and replacement costs are based on district pricing from vendors and are subject to change.




ItemItem Cost ItemItem Cost
LCD Screen *varies by modelPrice Range $147.00-$347.00 Hard DrivePrice Range      $34.95-$69.95
   BatteryPrice Range      $129.00-$147.00

  Touch PadPrice Range              $14.00-$75.00
 BezelPrice Range              $13.00

 Bottom Assembly/Palm RestPrice Range      $75.00-$100.00

 AC Adapter and CordPrice Range      $48.00-$53.00
 Laptop Sleeve                           $30.00
Top Lid AssemblyPrice Range    $20.00-$75.00 Audio PortsPrice Range      $0.79-$12.48
KeyboardPrice Range    $59.00-$100.00 DC PortsPrice Range      $7.00-$12.99
MotherboardPrice Range    $225.00-$500.00 

Wi-Fi Card                         $11.99 IO Cable 3190 2N1                           $12.48
Laptop ReplacementPrice Range    $558.99-$761.72 Mi-Fi Replacement                           $199.99


HCDOE anticipates the need to loan devices to students while their device is repaired. Loaners are issued on a first come, first served basis and will be assigned for the duration of the repair. Each high school will have approximately 3-5% of the total device allotment for loaner services. It is believed that this number is sufficient to meet the need. However, if a loaner is not available, teachers will make every effort to provide an alternate assignment of equal value. The determination to assign a loaner  to a student will be made at the school Help Desk. The loaner will be assigned to the student with the same level of responsibility as with the primary device.
All devices, backpacks, and chargers will be marked with an asset code tag and/or engraving. The  sticker or engraving may not be modified or tampered with in any manner. Asset code tags and engravings may be checked at anytime. Turning in a device, charger, or backpack without the HCDOE asset code, with a tampered asset code, damaged engravings, or with missing serial numbers may result in charges to the student up to the full replacement cost of the item.

                     Treat the equipment with the same care as personal property.

                     Close the lid when not in use to prolong battery life.  For extended periods of inactivity, completely shut down the device before                                  closing to conserve the battery. Dimming the screen can also conserve battery life.

                     Do not remove or tamper with asset codes, engravings, or serial numbers.

                     Do nothing to permanently alter the device in any manner, including but not limited to adding stickers or items to the device.

                     Take care while inserting cables, cords, or other removable storage devices.

                     Never attempt to repair or reconfigure the laptop. Do not open or tamper with internal components, screws, or any other                            action that will result in a voided warranty.

                     Keep the laptop on a flat, solid surface that allows for air circulation. Placing the device directly on a lap, bed, or carpet may cause                           damage due to overheating, as well as static electricity.

                     Backup your data. Electronic files are not safe when only stored on the device.

                     Do not expose the device to extreme temperatures, direct sunlight, or UV light as this may result in damage to the device. Exposure to                     magnets and magnetic fields can damage, corrupt, or erase your data. Such magnets/magnetic fields include large speakers,                                       amplifiers, transformers, vacuum cleaners, etc.

                    Wash hands frequently when using the device.

                     Liquids, food, and debris can damage the device that will result in damage charges. All liquids, even those with lids, can destroy the                        device. Do not put bottles of liquids, even sealed liquids in the backpack or sleeve with the device. Do not eat or drink around 


                     Do not sit or lean on the device.

              Do not place anything near the device that could exert pressure on the screen.

              Do not place a pen, pencil or other item on the device keyboard before closing, as this will result in screen damage.

            Avoid touching the screen with fingers, pens, pencils, or other sharp instruments. Clean the device with a lint-free, anti-static cloth.                        NEVER clean the screen or device with window cleaner, liquids, or other chemical. Pre-moistened individually wrapped eyeglass lens                    cleaning tissues may be used to clean the screen.

             If you are unable to clean the device by the above method, seek assistance at the Help Desk.

    Never walk from one area to another with an open device at school or at home. Close the lid before moving the laptop.

    Never pick-up or carry the device by the screen or lid.

   The device is not designed to withstand drops or abusive handling.

   The device and its components are to be carried in the school-provided backpack or sleeve at all times in shutdown or                                                   standby/hibernate mode. Remove cords, accessories, or peripherals before moving or placing the device in the protective sleeve of the                       backpack. Do not throw, slide, drop, or toss the device, even while it is in the issued protective sleeve or 


    Do not store any other item, including the adapter/charger in the same protective pocket in the backpack as the device. No books should be          placed on the device.


                     Disconnect your laptop from the power outlet before cleaning.

          Fully shutdown the device when it is not used for a prolonged period of time. Putting the device in sleep mode for several days may                         drain the battery to the point that it will not keep a charge.

         Shut the device down each night, and then connect the charger. Power on as needed in the morning.

   Students issued a protective backpack will carry the backpack wearing both straps of the backpack over each shoulder.  Students                   issued a protective sleeve will carry the sleeve messenger-style across the chest or in another backpack.

   The device must be kept in the student’s assigned and locked locker at all times when not in the direct possession of the student. No other             items should be placed on top of the device in the secured locker.

   Students are to take the device home each evening for charging for the next day. Devices are not to be left at school overnight.

    Do not leave the device on the floor where it may be stepped on or within reach of small children, pets, or anyone else capable of

      harming the device.

    Devices left in bags in classrooms or other areas of the school will be considered “unattended”. Unattended bags will be confiscated as                      discovered as a protection against theft. See Discipline and Consequences for further details. Unattended or unlocked equipment, even at                school that is stolen will be the student’s responsibility.

     Do not leave devices unsupervised at any time. This includes, but is not limited to the school grounds, cafeteria, unsupervised classroom,             library, locker room, dressing room, hallway, bathroom, bus, personal vehicle, or any other area that is not secured with a lock.

      If a student must leave the classroom, move the device to a secure location where a HCDOE staff member may monitor it. Do not leave t           the device on an unstable desk where it may be bumped and fall into the floor.

     Students who participate in athletics or other school sponsored events should not leave the device in school vehicles/buses, in the gym, the             locker room, or any other place where it might be stolen or damaged.

     Students are responsible for storing their device during extracurricular events.

     Do not leave the device in a car for extended periods of time or overnight, even at your own home. Avoid storing the device in the car other        than a locked trunk while shopping or running errands, Do not leave in the car during periods of very hot or cold weather.

   If you experience problems with your device, report the issue to your classroom teacher who may be able to troubleshoot minor issues. If the             problem still persists, students will request a hall pass to go to the Help Desk.

   Do not attempt to fix the problem, alter the device’s physical structure, settings, or software.

   When you need assistance, ask for help.

    Never allow anyone access to your device except the classroom teacher or parent/guardian. Parents and guardians may use the device to              monitor student’s use of the device or to monitor classwork and homework. The parent or guardian may not use the device for business or          personal reasons.

     Bring your charger to school each day. Do not lend or borrow another student’s charger or other accessories.

Each eligible student will be issued a device, a protective bag and strap, an AC charger, asset tags, and software. In this handbook, these items are collectively referred to as the device. HCDOE will retain records of serial numbers and the HCDOE asset tags on provided equipment.
Each student will be issued a protective bag in which to house the device when it is not in use. The  device must be carried in the protective bag during the school day and outside of the school. Great effort must be taken to keep the bag clean, as the same device bag will be issued to the student each year that he or she is in high school. Additionally, keep the interior of the bag clean and free of any item or debris that might scratch the exterior of the device, expose the device to liquids or food, or otherwise damage the device.
Carrying a backpack improperly may lead to improper spinal alignment causing fatigue, strain, and may significantly impact posture and gait. Students will wear both straps while carrying the device to allow the weight to be placed over the strongest mid-back muscles. Wearing one strap causes the weight to be born on one side of the body.  Remove and put on the backpack carefully to protect the device.  Do not  let the backpack drop to the floor. Failure to wear both straps while carrying the backpack may result in disciplinary actions. If the student is issued a sleeve to protect the device, the strap is to be worn messenger style across the body or secured into a backpack, which is worn over both shoulders.

It is the responsibility of the student to fully recharge the battery of the device prior to coming to school, so that it is fully charged by 8:00 A.M. Charging stations will be available for quick charges prior to the beginning of school and during lunch periods. Electrical outlets may not be accessible during classroom time. Failure to bring the device to school or to charge its battery is not an excuse for the inability to participate in a class activity or late or incomplete work. Students are required to bring their chargers to school each day. Care should be taken to not present  a tripping  hazard with charging cords.  Protect your laptop by using a surge protector during home charging.


Using the hibernation feature or standby mode during the day or dimming the brightness of the screen may conserve battery power. During prolonged periods of inactivity, shutdown the laptop.

The manufacturer warrants the device from defects in material and workmanship for a period of three years from the date of purchase by HCDOE. This limited warranty covers normal use, mechanical failures, and defective construction. The manufacturer will provide replacement parts or necessary repairs in these situations. If necessary, the manufacturer will replace the device. However, this warranty DOES NOT provide in cases of damage from misuse, abuse, or accidents. Report all problems with the device to the Help Desk located in the school. If the device becomes defective as determined by the Supervisor of Instructional Technology, but at no fault of the student, the district will provide a refurbished device at no charge.

A Help Desk will be located in each high school. The Help Desk will coordinate with the Instructional Technology Department to assure that repairs are made as quickly as possible. Technical support services include the following:


Hardware maintenance and repair User account support

Application information Coordination of warranty repairs Re-imaging hard drives Distribution of loaners

Laptop battery issues Operating systems Software maintenance

Software configuration support


***Usernames and passwords are available from classroom teachers.

Hamblen County Department of Education extends its sincere appreciation to colleagues in other districts in the development of the Project Promise 2020 Handbook:


Ascension Parish Schools (LA)                        Kingsport City Schools (TN)

Austin City Schools (TX)                                   Mooresville Graded School District (NC)

Bristol City Schools (TN)                                   Pella Community Schools (FL)