Week of November 1, 2021

Dr. Jeff Perry

My buddy and I were sitting by the campfire several years ago after a day of hunting.  We talked about a wide variety of things but eventually began talking about what we wanted to do with the rest of our lives.  We took turns sharing our goals with each other.  My buddy had put on some weight since high school and had established a goal of losing 30 pounds during the year. I said that was an excellent goal and asked him how it was going.  He responded that it was going great and that he only had to lose another 55 pounds to meet that goal!   


It is important for all of us to have goals which we hope to accomplish, both in the short and long term.  Currently, the Board of Education is reviewing our five-year plan which will help guide the school district over the next several years.  Within this plan, we will eventually create long-term goals which we hope to accomplish over the next three to five years.  We will also create a series of short-term goals to help navigate our actions through this immediate school year. 


The following is a summary of the major goals we have discussed and will likely be the foundation of our five-year plan.  The Board is discussing several of these goals to refine and finalize the plan.  Please take a few minutes to review these goals and send any comments/thoughts to Mrs. Webb (  We will share those thoughts with the school board. 


1.         Our first and primary goal is to improve student achievement.  We want to see our students perform well academically so they will be prepared to successfully pursue any endeavor after graduation.  For some, this may be attending college while others may enter the workforce or join the military.  Regardless of the path taken, we want to make sure that students have the necessary academic skills to be successful.


2.         We will place a special emphasis on helping at-risk students overcome the challenges and obstacles which are unique to them. Over 65% of students are eligible for free/reduced lunch and may not have an adequate support system at home.  Over 50% of our students are not living with a biological parent.  Nearly 30% of our students are Hispanic.  At times, each of these subgroups may need additional resources to be successful.


3.         We will continue to expand and strengthen our Career and Technical Education (CTE) programming.  We already have one of the strongest CTE programs in the state.  However, we want to continue to build on these successes and continue to promote CTE.  Many of our students have a desire to enter the workplace immediately after graduation.  We want these students to be ready to enter the workforce with the appropriate skill sets, licensure, and certifications. 


4.         We continue to create a quality preschool experience for all 4-year-old children.  We constantly see children are not prepared for kindergarten, either socially or academically, if they have not attended a quality preschool.  We are able to intervene and establish a strong foundation for early literacy by having children attend a quality preschool.  It is our hope to expand preschool to all students so they are prepared and ready for kindergarten. 


5.         We will effectively involve and engage our Hispanic community in the school district.  Nearly 30% of our student enrollment is Hispanic, and they are an important part of our school family.  Approximately 30% of our Hispanic students graduate with honors and distinction.  Over 30% of our Middle School Scholars are Hispanic.  They are a valuable part of our schools and this community.  We want them to feel welcome and believe they have a voice in the school district. 


6.         We want to create a true alternative school for students who may be struggling with the traditional school environment.  Many of these students are not fully engaged and connected with the schools.  We will continue our efforts to create a school day, and provide the necessary instructional programming, to engage these students and motivate them to be successful. 


7.         We will create an effective capital building program.  Many of our buildings are over 40 years old and are beginning to experience structural issues.  In addition, it appears we will have an explosion of home developments over the next 36 months which may result in more students attending school.  We have room for expansion at several of our schools, but we are already at maximum capacity at other schools.  Our capital improvement plan must address both the current facility needs and prepare for future needs.


8.         We will effectively utilize technology to improve student achievement and benefit staff.  Technology has quickly become a necessity which has forced us to support a wide host of technology-related services for staff and students.  We must have a plan in place to support existing equipment and a plan to replace that equipment when it reaches its life span.  In addition, we must adequately train staff/students to ensure the technology is being used effectively in the classroom.


9.         It is critical that we maintain effective and open communication with all stakeholders.  In addition, we must create and maintain an open and transparent leadership style.  We must be honest with all stakeholders, listen to their concerns, and seek to freely share important information.  We must constantly communicate with the community and keep them informed of all major projects and initiatives. 


10.       We must create a positive and encouraging work environment for staff and students.  It has been extremely difficult teaching and learning during the pandemic.  In addition, the pandemic has created a number of lingering mental and social issues for staff and students.  We must do all we can to create a positive work environment for all stakeholders so they can perform at potential. 


11.       We will analyze specific quantitative measures to ensure students are being successful with their academic endeavors.  Specifically, we are reviewing attendance rates, graduation rates, ACT scores, percentage of students reading on grade level, percentage of students on grade level in math at fifth grade, percentage of students ready to enter the workforce, and the percentage of students ready to enter college.  


Mark Victor Hansen said, “By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be.  Put your future in good hands – your own.”  It is always important to have goals, but it is equally important to have viable strategies to reach those goals and the persistence to overcome.  Thanks for your attention to this article and remember, School Matters