Week of February 21, 2022

Dr. Jeff Perry

Over 30 years ago, we built a small hunting cabin in Floyd County, Virginia.  The cabin sits on a 100+ acre property which has water, several old oaks, heavy vegetation, and is surrounded by large hay fields.  It is a perfect haven for deer and has been an ideal location to hunt for over three decades. This is the place where I harvested my first buck, my first turkey, and my first bear. It is also the place where we have allowed numerous youth hunters to harvest their first big game animals.   As I have grown older, I still hunt there, but my desire to actually harvest an animal has diminished greatly.   However, it is still relaxing to sit in a tree stand and watch the sun rise on a frosty fall day.  There is a peace, serenity, and excitement associated with sitting in that tree stand as the early morning darkness surrenders to the light of day.   


Although I do not actually harvest many deer these days, I do love going to the cabin.  It is a simple structure measuring about 12 feet by 20 feet with a small sleeping loft.  There is no running water or electricity, and the primitive road to the cabin is always a challenge to navigate.   We installed a metal roof, and the sound of rain drumming on a metal roof when you are far removed from civilization is priceless.  We experienced a major upgrade to the cabin several years ago when we built an outhouse.  This addition eliminated the need for a toilet seat nailed to two boards stretched between trees.  The cabin has a front porch and firepit to the side of the cabin.  We have spent countless nights sitting around the campfire talking about life and lying about our hunting adventures.  Last fall, we took some youth hunters with us, and they harvested their first deer.  It was fascinating to hear them recall the morning hunt that evening by the fire.  The distance of the shot, the speed of the deer running, and the size of the deer grew dramatically as the fire burned out. 


We have leased this property for 30 years, but over the last few years, the owner has talked about trading the land for another piece of property.  Each hunting season, I leave the cabin with the realization this may be the last time I have the opportunity to hunt there.  It is not just the hunting that makes this such a unique place, but it is the history, peace, tranquility, and memories which make it so special.  Each year at the end of hunting season, I stand in front of the cabin to take in the beauty of this place and attempt to capture the sight, smell, and sense of personal connection in my heart in case this is the last time.


There is always going to be a last time for everything in our life.  At certain points, it is good to experience the last time.  The last cancer treatment, last payment on the house mortgage, last payment on college tuition, and the last day of your jail sentence are normally positive things to experience.  However, most of the other last things are not so positive.  I always thought there would be another opportunity to kiss Mary (my high school sweetheart), but we drifted away during college and lost contact.  I always thought there would be another weekend to spend with my old high school friend who died last year of cancer.  I always thought there would be time to talk with my brother who died of a heart attack five years ago.  I always thought there would be another time to have my granddaughter run to me and jump into my arms.   She is getting a little older now, and that particular move is not as cool to do.  In addition, as I get older, that particular move is not as good for my back!    


I always thought there was plenty of time to talk with my mother about important and frivolous topics before she suffered a major brain aneurysm.  I do remember the last conversation we had as she was attempting to share with me her experiences about a personal issue I had.   At that time, I thought my situation was totally unique, and her comments were not adding much to the conversation.  Later, I realized she was absolutely correct, but I never had the chance to let her know how much I appreciated everything she had done for us. 


There will be a last time we talk with our parents, friends, and colleagues.  There will be a last time we enjoy our favorite activities and adventures.  There will be a last time for all of us to wake in the morning and have one more day to enjoy life.  We are all going to experience a last time for everything in our life, and there is nothing we can do to prevent that.  However, we can control the quality of that last time.  It is probably unrealistic to think that we could live every experience as if it were the last time because there are simply too many events in our life.  We have to work and dedicate a considerable part of our life to work.   Instead, we should evaluate our life and ensure the things which are the most important to us are given priority.  We should take the time to enjoy the last time when it occurs even if we do not know it is the last time. 


Please review the following information and contact us if you have any questions or concerns.  Also, please remember to email Mrs. Webb (webbk@hcboe.net) if you have other questions you would like us to address in future articles. 


1.         We continue to see a reduction in our COVID numbers this week.  This week, we had approximately 6 active cases.   For a comparison, last week we had 25 cases. Of these active cases, 6 are students and no staff members are active.  


2.         We have been COVID testing students for the past three weeks, and it continues to go well.  We have tested nearly 128 students, and only 25 have tested positive.  We will continue the testing until we are past this last surge.


3.         We are moving forward with the new Lincoln Elementary School.  The design work is nearly complete, and we should be able to bid the project in April.   Site work should begin within the next 30 – 45 days if the appropriate permitting is approved.  The site for the new school will be near the Gateway Service Park on Martin Luther King Parkway.  We fully understand there are concerns about traffic issues associated with Highway 160, and we share those concerns.  It is important to understand that we would not send any buses in that direction and all buses will turn right on to MLK parkway as they leave the school.  We will also conduct a traffic study to determine if any other road improvements are needed to ensure the safety of students.   


4.         We have experienced some traffic issues at West View Middle School with the opening of the new expressway.  We have recently employed a staff member to help direct traffic at the school exit.  Initially, it appears this person has helped to keep the traffic moving more efficiently.       


5.         We have an early dismissal planned for March 16 at 1:00 p.m.  Schools will be closed for spring break from March 28 – April 1. 


6.         We mentioned in our last article that we would implement a new program to bring school security officers into the school.  Some have expressed a concern this would replace our current school resource officers.  This is not the case and it should be clear this is not an effort to replace the school resource officers we have.  They do an incredible job for us, and no staff changes are needed.  However, we are looking for a way to supplement the current program and to fully staff our needs. 


Regardless of our efforts, we will continue to experience many last events in our life.  As we grow older, the chances we will encounter our last experiences will grow dramatically.  As we advance in age, even our opportunity of receiving the gift of another day will also be reduced.  I do not think there is one single secret to life as many would advocate.  Instead, I believe there are a number of secrets to living a life well lived.  Having the ability to be appreciative of your last experience should be a part of that secret.  Perhaps we should all take a little more time with the ones we love and ensure are living in the present and giving them all the attention they desire.  If we could look back and feel good about the last experience we had with someone or someplace – then maybe we are living well and have learned one of the secrets to life.   Thanks for your attention to this article and remember, School Matters!