School Matters

Week of March 21, 2022

Dr. Jeff Perry

It is estimated the average person will see approximately 3 million faces during their lifetime.  Of those 3 million faces, the average person will actually encounter over 80,000 people over the course of their life.  However, the average person will interact with only approximately 10,000 people.   From those casual interactions, we will get to know about 600 people to a higher degree of familiarity.  We will know their names, faces, occupations, etc.   We will likely have nearly 150 people with whom we have a deep and continual relationship with over the course of our life.  As we narrow the focus, we will have between 3-5 close friends.  It is estimated that we will significantly impact about 10 people in our lifetime.  In a world of 7.8 billion people, it is difficult to imagine that we will only meet 10,000 people from birth to death.  That is less than 0.1% of the total world population.


My mother once told me to be extremely careful as I selected friends in my life because my character would absorb a little bit of everyone who I encountered.  My character could be improved or could deteriorate depending on the people I chose to associate with during my life.  One of the people who has clearly made a difference in my life is Mr. Chuck Carter.  He is the CTE Supervisor for the school system, and last Friday was his last day to be employed by the Hamblen County School District.  He has been selected to help lead CTE programming at the state level.  We are excited about Mr. Carter’s promotion, but we hate to see him go.  I have known Mr. Carter for the past 4 years, and clearly, my life is better for having him as a colleague and friend.  Mr. Carter has faithfully served the children and staff of this school district for three decades and has made a number of improvements during his career.  


Mr. Carter began his career in Hamblen County in 1986 as a volunteer wrestling coach.  He was encouraged to think about teaching from a colleague since he had such a rapport with the students, and we are so fortunate he made that decision.  He began his teaching career as a middle school social studies teacher and later taught English/Language Arts.  In 2008, he was hired to be the principal of Union Heights Elementary School.  He was there for 10 years until he was selected to the CTE Supervisor role in 2018.  During this tenure, he was recognized as the Hamblen County Principal of the Year, the Regional Supervisor of the Year, and has been inducted into the College Wrestling Hall of Fame.  He has led the effort to build one of the strongest CTE programs in the state.  However, if you were to ask him what is greatest accomplishment has been, he would not mention programs or curriculum.  Instead, he would focus on the children he has helped to be successful.    


Mr. Carter is one of those unique individuals who seldom thinks of himself in any situation.  Instead, he constantly searches for ways to help others and makes a number of personal sacrifices to ensure his friends/students are successful.  He has been a life-long educator and possesses a servant heart.  He has been very student-oriented and is relentless in his efforts to create pathways for children to advance. All educators will state their guiding principles are based on what is best for students, but Mr. Carter has lived that life.  He goes beyond the call of duty to help students and nothing is asking too much when a child needs help.


Although he is an effective educator, Mr. Carter also possesses those unique qualities which make him an exceptional human being.  Many people express the value of honesty, integrity, and character and will loudly profess their life embodies these attributes.  However, I have discovered those who must proclaim their virtues often do not have the life to substantiate those words.  Mr. Carter is one of those special individuals whose life is their message.  He does not have to convince others that he is dedicated to the service of others because his life has been that message.  He never seeks the spotlight for himself and is eager to shine it on others.


Mr. Carter is one of those individuals whom you could call for help when you had a dead battery or flat tire.  You know he would drop whatever he was doing and rush to your assistance.  His guiding focus has consistently been on what is best for those around him.    He is an individual who has left a legacy of service in Hamblen County, and we will miss him.  Individuals of his character, dedication, integrity, and passion are seldom seen because they do not make many like him anymore. He has been an inspiration to many, and I am confident my mother would have wanted me to spend as much time as I could with him.  



Please review the following information and contact us if you have any questions or concerns.  Also, please remember to email Mrs. Webb ( if you have other questions you would like us to address in future articles. 


1.         The Board of Education has released the names of the three finalists for the new superintendent.  The finalists include General Arnie Bunch (retired general), Dr. Greg Brown (superintendent in VA), and Dr. Tracy McAbee (superintendent in TN).   The candidates will visit the school system on April 6.  They are scheduled to meet with central office staff and principals in the morning of April 6.  The candidates will meet with selected governmental officials and community leaders later in the day.  They will also take a tour of the school system after the community conversations.  The board will conduct a meet and greet for all candidates on April 7 from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the East High School auditorium.  The board will conduct interviews after the meet and greet on April 7.  It is my understanding the board hopes to have a candidate named at its April 12 meeting. 


2.         Online registration/enrollment for returning students will be open from May 9-13.  This is the process by which parents update student information and enroll students for the next year.   Please check with your school for specific details on the process.  


3.         It is our hope parents and students are able to enjoy spring break this week.  We hope you have time to relax and enjoy time with family and friends. 


As was stated in the opening paragraph, it is estimated we will significantly impact approximately 10 people in our lifetime.   At first, that seems to be a very low number, and it is hard to believe we could live our entire life with so little impact on the world.  However, if the 10 people we influenced would impact 10 others, the culminating effect would be incredible. Using this math, we would impact over 800 million people in just five generations!  Mr. Carter is a prime example of a life which will impact future generations.  People will remember his kindness, dedication, and passion for years. In turn, this will encourage those individuals to perform random acts of kindness.  This knowledge should create a sense of urgency within all of us to live that life which inspires others to be greater than they are now.  Let us use today to begin increasing the number of people we impact and exceed the average.  Thanks for your attention to this article and remember, School Matters