TN State Copier Contract (Multi-Function)

There have been a lot of question in regards to the TN State Contract on Copiers (Multi-Function Devices). The information can be hard to find on the state website so in an effort to help, we are providing this information here. If you have questions, the contact information is below. You should start with the vendor contact information and the vendor contact (Mark Choate -615-238-6254).
The link to the spreadsheet has a tab for each available model on the contract. The overview tab gives you pricing to the additional features you can add to the base models and the monthly costs.
The spreadsheet is for NEW purchases starting June 2019 as well as the document Signed Contract. The Ammendment to Contract MFD-3 is for anyone who leased a copier prior to June 2019.
If you need help in deciding which model is best for your usage, you would contact Mark Choate.
Vendor Contact Information:
Canon Solutions America
Vendor #: 0000160525
Edison Contract Number: 39769
Mark Choate
Strategic Account Manager
State Contract Administrator:
Jessica Starling
Category Specialist
Central Procurement Office
(615) 532-0352
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