HCDOE Wellness Policy

The Board recognizes the link between nutrition, physical activity, and learning. In order to implement overall wellness for students, the plan below shall be followed by all schools in the district.


All schools shall implement the CDC’s Coordinated School Health (CSH) approach to managing new and existing wellness-related programs and services in schools and the surrounding community based on State law and State Board of Education CSH standards and guidelines. The district’s CSH  Coordinator shall be responsible for overseeing compliance with State Board of Education CSH standards and guidelines in the school district.


An advisory council shall be established to serve as a resource to school sites for implementing policies. The council shall consist of individuals representing the school and community, including parent, student, teacher, school administrator, school board member, health professional, school food service representative, and member of the public. The primary responsibilities of the council include but are not limited to:

  1. Developing, implementing, monitoring, reviewing, and as necessary, making  recommendations as to physical activity and nutrition policies;
  2. Ensuring that all schools within the district create and implement an action plan related to the modules 1, 3, and 4 from the School Health Index;
  3. Ensuring that the results of the action plan are annually reported to the council; and 
  4. Ensuring that school level results include measures of progress on each indicator of the 25 School Health Index.

The State Board of Education's Physical Education Policy shall be used as guidance by the council to make recommendations. The Board may consider recommendations of the council in making policy changes or revisions.

Additionally, each school will have a Healthy School Team consisting of teachers, students, parents, and administrators. The team shall hold Healthy School Team meetings during the school year to assess the needs and oversee planning and implementation of school health efforts. The director/designee shall ensure compliance with the Student Wellness Policy, to include an assessment of the implementation of the Student Wellness Policy and the progress made in attaining the policy goals. The assessment shall be made available to the public.


All schools within the District shall participate in the USDA child nutrition programs, including the National School Lunch Program, the School Breakfast Program, the Summer Food Service Program, and the After School Snack Program.  The school nutrition coordinator shall be responsible for overseeing the school district’s compliance with the State Board of Education Rules and Regulations for sale of food items in the school district.  Meals shall be accessible to all students in a non-stigmatizing manner. Students will be given adequate time to enjoy healthy meals and relax in a pleasant environment. Good nutritional habits shall be encouraged. All food including vending machines, fundraising items, and concessions must meet guidelines set forth by the Healthy, Hunger-free Kids Act, 2010, Smart Snacks in Schools.  The school principal/designee shall be responsible for overseeing the school district’s compliance with the State Board of Education Rules and Regulations regarding the sale of food items in the school district. The District will promote healthy nutrition through various activities, including nutrition related newsletters, informational links on the district website, healthy eating posters and bulletin boards in dining areas, and informational booths at various community functions. Nutrition Education will be offered as part of a standards based program designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to promote and protect their health. Nutrition Education will discourage teachers from using high fat, sugar, and sodium foods as rewards and encourage students to start each day with a healthy breakfast.


The Board shall monitor the effectiveness of the school nutrition program within a wide-range of student constituency groups. Factors to be considered shall include, but are not limited to:

  1. Participation rates in school meal programs;
  2. Nutrition satisfaction surveys;
  3. Frequency and types of health problems that include medical issues, mental health, and 30 behavioral problems;
  4. Teacher surveys of student classroom behavior, attention span, and memory; and
  5. Test scores.


Wellness Policy Assessment Results




The Board recognizes that physical activity is extremely important to the overall health of a child. Schools shall support and promote physical activity. Physical activity may be integrated into any areas of the school program. Physical Education classes shall be offered with moderate to vigorous physical activity being an integral part of the class. All physical education classes shall comply with the State Board of Education’s Physical Education Standards. In addition to the district’s physical education program, non-structured physical activity periods shall be offered as required by law.

The following opportunities for physical activity shall be provided:

  1. Grades K-1: a minimum of three (3) fifteen-minute periods of non-structured physical activity per day;
  2. Grades 2-6: a minimum of two (2) twenty-minute periods of non-structured physical activity at least four (4) days per week; and
  3. Grades 7-12: a minimum of ninety (90) minutes of physical activity per week.

Schools shall continue to offer after school sports and activities. Physical activity shall not be employed as a form of discipline or punishment.


All applicable courses of study should be based on state-approved curriculum standards.


All schools within the district shall annually administer a baseline assessment on each of the three recommended School Health Index modules. Results shall be submitted to the School Health Advisory Council and reported to the State Department of Education.


The district’s Coordinated School Health coordinator shall ensure that records demonstrating compliance with community involvement requirements are maintained. The Coordinated School Health coordinator shall additionally document that the Student Wellness Policy and triennial assessments are made available to the public.